“Guy was fantastic in quickly establishing the cause of my long term lower leg pain. An x ray confirmed his diagnosis that I had an...
What will treatment be like post Covid-19
There will be many changes to the way I practice when I open up post Covid-19.
Until further notice there will have to be a telephone consult to assess if it is safe and reasonable for both practitioner and patient to have a face to face consultation. The aim is to make assure both parties that they are clear of any symptoms and have not been in contact with anyone who has symptoms. Screening will all ensure the need for a treatment is necessary and safe at this time.
If it is agreed that a face to face consult is necessary then an appointment will be arranged as soon as possible.
The Clinic
I will wipe all doors handles and wipeable surfaces in between each treatment. There will be no towels, couch covers or pillows. I will be wearing PPE as recommended by the Institute of Osteopathy to meet current guidelines, these include disposable apron, disposable gloves and disposable facemasks. The apron and gloves are changed in between patients and the facemasks will be kept on for a four hour treatment session but no more.
Please arrive at the clinic on time, but not too early as I need to give the clinic at least 20 minutes aeration in between each patient. The reception area is not available for seating and please do not bring any other person to the clinic, unless as a chaperone but there is not seating available. Hand sanitiser is available in the reception so please use or the bathroom is available with soap and water if you would prefer.
On a case by case basis we can assess the best way to treat in the most comfortable way for you.
What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy was developed in the late 19th century by Andrew Taylor Still. The concepts behind it are based on the idea that the body has a natural self healing capability. Dis-ease or dysfunction within the body, whether it is musculoskeletal or not, is likely to reduce the efficiency of the whole. To an Osteopath for your body to work well its structure must also work well. Efficient interaction of the structure and the function of the body will ultimately provide the optimum environment for good health. However sometimes in life our injury patterns get 'stuck' and do not self heal and Osteopathy can help in re-training the body back to a better state of balance.
Can everyone be treated with Osteopathy?
With a couple of exceptions, yes. Each treatment will be tailored for the individual and will take into account their circumstances. However, it may in some cases be necessary to refer a patient back to his Doctor for further tests before treatment can start. In this circumstance the reasons for doing so will be explained to the patient.
Will the treatment be explained?
Absolutely, yes. It is very important for the patient to understand why we are treating and what we are treating. As we look holistically at the body we may consider treating away from the symptomatic area which may be indirectly or directly causing the problem.
What does being treated with Osteopathy feel like?
People’s experiences differ. As the treatment is tailored to the individual and treatment will not go ahead without the patient's consent, the experience should not be inherrently uncomfortable. However as is the nature of painful injuries some discomfort can sometimes be felt even with gentle mobilisation.
What is the difference between an Osteopath and a Chiropractic?
Nowadays, the differences between us are little with many osteopaths working like chiropractors and vice versa. From an academic point of view, the training is almost identical now, being over five years and both healthcares are fully regulated by statute law. The principle working difference would seem to be that osteopathy tends to work on a wider area of the body rather than concentrating primarily on the spine and pelvis. Osteopathic treatment will nearly always be very hands on with very few treatment aides other than touch. I have heard that that it is considered that Osteopaths often consider improving the blood flow as a priority whereas Chiropractic treatment will consder improving the nerve supply. The reality is that both are important and both should be considered.
What is most important is that you find a therapist that you are comfortable with and trust and if they assist in improving your health - then that is all you can ask.
Is the treatment confidential?
Yes, as a professional your confidentiality will be respected at all times. However it may necessary to discuss your case with your Doctor. This will not happen without prior consent from you.
Are any drugs used?
No. Ostopathy is a manual therapy and no drugs or tablets are used as part of the treatment process.
Are there any side-effects?
Side effects are generally rare; you may experience some tiredness or soreness for a few days afterwards, but this will subside quickly. Osteopathy is a very safe and effective form of treatment and most patients feel subsequently better for it.
Is Osteopathy suitable for children?
Yes, it can be very benefical to resolve postural problems as they start which may prevent problems later in life. All Minors should however be accompanied by a Parent or Guardian and treatment cannot be carried out without prior consent.
What clothing should I wear?
Please wear normal everyday clothing that you're comfortable in. But as part of the treatment process it will be necessary to examine your posture which may involve undressing to your underwear. Towels and/or robes will be provided. If you are at all uncomfortable with this then please feel free to bring a friend or partner for moral support. We will however not carry out any examination without obtaining consent from yourself.
Is it a good idea to see my doctor before visiting you?
Many patients are referred by their doctor, but it is not necessary to visit him/her first. If there is any reason for the osteopath to contact your doctor, he will ask you first.